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[Theosophy] definition, h p blavatsky

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Theosophy is a System of philosophy and religious thought that believes that the truest knowledge comes not through reason or senses, but through a direct communication of the soul with the Divine Reality.

The ideas of Theosophy can be traced back to ancient times, but the most widely known modern grouping of adherents to these doctrines, The Theosophical Society, was founded in New York on November 17, 1875. The Theosophical Society became a popular and powerful group throughout the world, especially in America and India. Most of the society's practices and beliefs were determined by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and her writings.

Theosophy is the study of the teachings of the Masters or Mahatmas. It is a method of studying the Ancient Wisdom, a way of pursuing the ultimate truth. Hindu and Buddhist thoughts and doctrines have become prominent in Theosophy, with characteristic belief in reincarnation in accordance with the Hindu doctrine of Karma.

The motto often used by theosophists is appropriately, "There is no religion higher than the truth". One must not take the teachings of Theosophy word for word, for it is a timeless religion, and the times have changed meanings of words. Rather, it must be taken as a set of beliefs which will point one in the right direction, and give instruction on finding the truth. One of Theosophy's greatest strengths is its adaptability. If one is serious about learning the truth, it is possible to fit the teachings of Theosophy into an existing lifestyle. In many cases, Theosophists are members of other churches. Theosophy is not meant to contradict existing religions. Rather, it is meant to shed light upon and make further sense out of areas that may not be that clear. It is not a new interpretation of an existing religion, nor is it a completely new idea. It is a thoughtful mixture of Eastern religion, Western religion, philosophy, science and other practical knowledge which seems to have escaped most current religions.

According to Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, there are three fundamental principles of Theosophy.

The first states that there is an omnipresent, omnipotent, infinite "power" which exists but cannot be described or understood by the limited human mind. To call it a being, a God, or even to try and give it a name is to do a great injustice. There is no word to describe it, but "power" will be used from now on. To know this "power" is to know the truth, and it is the truth that we seek. It is only through our many lives and stages of consciousness that we will begin to comprehend the "power."

The second principle deals with eternity and the infinity of the "power." It is boundless, and because we are part of it, we are also boundless. For now, it will suffice to say that man and all matter is immortal in the greater scheme of things.

The third principle deals with wholeness and completeness. EVERYTHING is part of a whole, which we can not fully comprehend, but we can be sure exists. All that we think, feel, and do is not only part of who we are, but part of the universe. Even the universe is part of something greater. It is limitless and infinite.

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