unreal never is, real never is not, summary
[Bhagavad Gita, summary]
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The Mahabharata &
Bhagavad Gita summary

  The main theme of the Hindu epic poem the Mahabharata is a contest, for the possession of a northern Indian kingdom, between the Pandavas and the Kauravas two noble families related by blood.

  The Mahabharata was initially composed beginning about 300 B.C.E. and received numerous additions until about 300 C.E. It is divided into 18 books comprised overall of about 200,000 lines of verse with intervening brief prose passages. 

  The most important segment of the Mahabharata is the Bhagavad Gita or Song of God which has as a major character Krishna who is regarded as having been the eighth incarnation of the Lord Vishnu.

The Bhagavad Gita

  The seven hundred verse Sanskrit poem known as the Bhagavad Gita is the most important text in the religion of Hinduism!!!

  The Bhagavad Gita might well be individually regarded as being an Upanishad and actually appears as an eighteen chapter poem in book VI of the Mahabarata. It made relatively little religious impact until a commentary on it by the celebrated Indian holy man Shankara appeared in the 700's C.E. 

    Its main content is a dialogue between Krishna and the Pandava hero Prince Arjuna on the meaning of life. This dialogue takes place before the great Mahabharata battle on the holy field of Kurukshetra. 

  Prince Arunja is most unwilling to engage in a war against his friends and blood relatives amongst the Kauravas. Krishna's in reply makes the case that it is necessary for Prince Arjuna to do his duty as a warrior.
  Krishna further explains the nature of the immortal Self - the Atman - and the proper way to reach the Brahman. Krishna maintains that people must shed the burden of karma, or residual blameworthiness, for wrongs committed in their present and former lives

  Krishna assures Prince Arujna that the Self, (Atman) cannot kill or be killed, once a human body expires the Self previously contained therein becomes available for reincarnation according to its merits or demerits in terms of karma. Krisha urges that given this reincarnation it would worse for Prince Arujna to decline the battle than to fail in his duties as a warrior.

  Krishna outlines three Yoga paths towards union with God.

These words of Krishna, come from the second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, starting at verse 16:-

The unreal never is: the Real never is not. This truth indeed has been seen by those who can see the true.

Interwoven in his creation, the Spirit is beyond destruction. No one can bring to an end the Spirit which is everlasting.

For beyond time he dwells in these bodies, though these bodies have an end in their time; but he remains immeasurable, immortal.

The page below may well cause you to reflect comprehensively about the REAL!!!

Spirituality and the wider world

Other pages at age-of-the-sage persuasively consider the Outcomes of the Real influencing the World!!!  

Introductory quotations
Central vedic / hindu mysticism quotes
Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita
The Atman which
is Brahman
& the wider World


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Bhagavad Gita summary