Thomas a Kempis
Of the Imitation of Christ
The content of the book we know today as the Of the Imitation
of Christ was first circulated about 1425 A.D., at which time
its authorship was not made public.
In 1441 however Thomas a Kempis formally affirmed that he was
the author of the some thirteen works including the four books
that were subsequently associated in the Imitation of
It appears that the content today associated under the title Of
the Imitation of Christ was not so associated under that title by
Thomas a Kempis but that an appreciative posterity is actually
responsible for associating these four books under a title that
is derived from the first words of the first chapter Die
Imitatione Christi.
What posterity regards as Thomas a Kempis "work" is heavily
imbued with a sincere mysticism where the individual human spirit
is encouraged to seek to make progress towards the Divine.
Some of Thomas a Kempis other works achieve similar heights
of sincere and palpable mysticism to the Die Imitatione
Christi itself.
Die Imitatione Christi which has become established as
the second most widely read Christian text after the Bible holds
the distinction of enjoying a high degree of respect across many
strands of Christendom.
Some quotes and quotations from
Thomas a Kempis spiritual work
Of the Imitation of Christ
Sic transit gloria mundi.
( Thus the glory of the world passes away.)
![[Imitation of Christ]](prntmrk.gif)
Man proposes but God disposes.

Of two evils the less is always to be chosen.

The more a man is united within himself and interiorly
simple, the more and higher things doth he understand without
labour; because he receiveth the light of understanding from

Happy is that soul, which heareth the Lord speaking
within her, and from His mouth receiveth the word of
Happy ears, which receive the strains of the divine whisper,
and take no notice of the whisperings of the world .
Happy ears indeed, which hearken to truth itself teaching
within, and not to the voice which soundeth without.
Happy eyes, which are shut to outward things, but are
attentive to things interior.
Happy they, who penetrate into internal things, and endeavour
to prepare themselves more and more by daily exercises for
attaining to heavenly secrets.

Other quotations from a translation prepared by the Rt. Rev.
R. Challoner can be found on our Christian mysticism page and our
"Other" spiritual insights page.
A more modern translation prepared by Abbot Justin McCann is
particularly recommended.