Otto Edward Leopold von Bismarck was born on April 1st, 1815,
at Schönhausen, a family estate lying near Stendal in the
Mark of Brandenburg to the northwest of Berlin. His father was a
sometime Prussian army officer who was a member of the landowning
nobleman (Junker) class who provided the Prussian state with most
of its army officers and administrators and his mother was a
notably intelligent and well educated upper middle class commoner
whose family, the Menckens, had included notable scholars and
high state officials. This unusual background combining an
aristocratic rural tradition with an accomplished urbanity
invested Otto with a blend of intellectual subtlety and Junker
Bismarck's earlier years were passed in Pomerania where his
father possessed estates. At the age of six Bismarck was sent to
Berlin to school in order to receive a good education in
association with others of similar background. In 1832, the age
of seventeen, he entered the University of Göttingen where
he studied law and history but after a year transferred to Berlin
to complete his studies as a Doctor of Law.
In 1836 Bismarck entered government service with the
understanding that he was to be trained towards a diplomatic
career and received initial postings in Berlin and Aachen and
then another in Potsdam. This last posting was brief because
Bismarck had not yet fulfilled the requirement that was common to
all males who graduated from secondary school i.e. that he put in
a years military service. (Other males faced a three year
Bismarck seems to have had an independent streak in his
character which did not really suit him for a subordinate post in
a bureaucracy. During these times there were problems with the
family finances that necessitated the disposal of a part of the
family estates and Bismarck, upon leaving the army, together with
an older brother, took up the management of some his family's
remaining estates in Pomerania.
Within a few years the brothers were able to restore the lands
they managed to profitability and, in 1841, the brothers agreed a
division of the estates between them. During these years Bismarck
found time to read widely in foreign as well as German literature
and also to make some trips to England and France.
Another formative influence on Bismarck's life during these
years arose from his coming to admire the personal commitment to
a Pietistic type of religious faith that was maintained by
several of his neighbours and friends. The fact that Bismarck had
developed an affection for Johanna von Puttkamer, a young lady
from this circle of acquaintance, facilitated Bismarck in being
drawn towards an acceptance of Pietism. Bismarck married Johanna
von Puttkamer in August 1847.
In the summer of 1847 the functioning of the Kingdom of
Prussia featured a considerable novelty in the form of the
Vereinigte Landtag - the first general parliamentary
assembly it had ever recognised. The convening of this Landtag
was necessitated by a requirement for the agreement of a new loan
to the state by its citizens. The money being intended for the
construction of a railway. Bismarck attended some of its
sessions as he was called upon to deputise for a representative
who was ill. During the course of proceedings Bismarck was often
disconcerted by the sorts of policies advocated by members of
liberal views. In several speeches that Bismack made to the
Landtag he showed a full acceptance of the christian character of
the state and of the "divine right" nature of the monarchy and
through this attracted the approving attention of the King and
his advisors.
The year 1848 proved to be a year of widespread revolutionism
in Europe from which the Prussian state was not immune. Bismarck
journeyed to Berlin where he urged King Frederick William IV to
forcibly suppress the uprising. It happened that in 1848-9 this
revolutionism in Europe featured contradictory aims and social
excesses that disillusioned and alarmed many who would have been
in favour of modest reform. Given the disillusion of such persons
of moderation revolutionism was gradually and increasingly
contained by the traditional holders of power in Prussia and
In 1849 Bismarck was elected to a relatively conservative
assembly that was returned, through relatively conservative
voting arrangements as approved by the King, to replace a radical
assembly that had been dissolved. One of the more celebrated of
Bismarck's contributions to its proceedings being a speech
urging that the king decline the offer of a German Imperial crown
that had been made by a "German" Frankfurt Assembly that had been
elected in some of the headier days of 1848. Bismarck maintained
that such acceptance would have compromised traditional Prussia
by effectively recognising the claims of revolutionism to bestow
the Imperial crown and also effectively recognise the claims of
revolutionism to a say in German affairs.
From these times Bismarck was called upon by the Prussian
Royal administration to serve in a number of political and
diplomatic roles such as that of being Prussia's representative
to the Diet of the German Confederation (from 1851), Prussian
ambassador to Russia (from 1859) and Prussian ambassador to
France (early 1862).
During these years of politics and diplomacy Bismarck gained
much experience of the incessant intrigues that were being played
out within the German Confederation and more widely in Europe.
One particularly pronounced change that occured in Bismarck's
outlook being that where he had once been prepared to approve of
co-operation with Austria he now saw Austria as being an avowed
rival as she was herself committed to reducing the power of
Prussia. Bismarck also no longer was prepared to accept that
Prussia, as a conservative power, should seek to co-operate with
other conservative powers - he now held that Prussia at all times
should look out for her own interests without particular regard
to the conservative, or other, nature of states with which she
was interacting.
From 1861 a bitter dispute arose between the Prussian
government and Parliament over the size of, and length of service
in, the army. The Parliament had granted the government
additional funds for reforms, but in 1862 it refused to do so
without a reduction of compulsory military service from three to
two years. One parliament was dissolved only to be replaced by
another that was even less amenable to the king's views. King
William I considered abdication in favour of his son but was
encouraged by his minister of war, von Roon, to call upon the
noted conservative Bismarck as an instrument who could well
champion the King's cause against the Parliament.
In the hope of breaking the stalemate in line with the king's
wishes Bismarck, then 47 years old, was appointed
minister-president of Prussia in early October 1862. Bismarck
declared that if the parliament refused to accept a budget then
the government had the right to collect taxations in line with
pre-existing arrangements and proceeded to collect necessary
taxes on the basis of the 1861 budget in defiance of the opinion
of the Prussian parliament. To justify the increase in the size
of the army, he addressed the parliament telling the assembled
representatives that "the great questions of the day will not be
settled by speeches and majority decisions but by iron and
Bismarck was determined that Prussian sway should extend such
that Prussia would become the leading power in a northern and
western Germany from which Austrian influence was excluded. This
reference to "the great questions of the day" referred to
Bismarck's agenda of Prussian expansion and consolidation.
In August 1863 the Austrian Emperor invited all the German
princes to attend at Frankfurt-am-Main where they could consider,
and hopefully approve, Austrian proposals for a reform of the
functioning of the German Confederation. This Austrian proposal
may well have been motivated in part by the consideration that
Prussia was at that time weakened by being divided against itself
over the budget and army issues and had also drawn upon itself
some hostility from the many liberals in Germany because of
Bismarck's defiance of parliament.
King William I was prepared to attend but Bismarck made a case
that he should politely decline the invitation. Bismarck held
that an Austrian inspired reform could well disrupt his own
agenda of Prussian expansion and consolidation.
The interests who supported the proposed meeting of princes at
Frankfurt arranged for King William I to be personally encouraged
to reconsider by another King, John of Saxony, and the Prussian
King again seemed inclined to accept. Bismarck remained opposed
to such acceptance and made a strident case against attendance
even to the point of threatening his own resignation at this time
where King William I and the Prussian parliament were still in
disagreement over army reforms.
Bismarck's programme of Prussian consolidation was enabled to
proceed somewhat dramatically in 1864 after a succession to the
Danish throne (Nov. 1863) gave rise to a renewed intensity to the
long running Schleswig Holstein situation. The inhabitants of of
Schlewig and of Holstein favouring a different person (a prince
of Augustenburg) to succeed as Duke of these two Duchies than the
person (a prince of Glücksburg) who was internationally
accepted as the successor to Denmark, Schleswig and Holstein
under a London Protocol of 1852 which had been agreed to bring a
previous act of the Schleswig Holstein situation to a
Bismarck ordered the Prussian army, in alliance with Austria,
to invade the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein in order to
secure some long term measures of independence for these Duchies
from Denmark. As the conflict continued Denmark refused to agree
to the sort of arrangements that were then sponsored by Prussia
and Austria with the result that the two Ducal provinces were
effectively seized from Denmark by Prussia and Austria.
The fact that the Prussian army had contributed towards
preventing arrangements in relation to Schleswig and Holstein
that would have been unacceptable to German sentiment allowed the
Prussian army and Bismarck to seem more acceptable to many in
Prussia and beyond and made the liberal parliamentary opposition
to the army reforms seem out of touch and less relevant.
After the conclusion of a Convention of Gastein of August 1865
whereby Prussia was to administer Schleswig and Austria was to
administer Holstein Bismarck was ennobled as a Count by the
Prussian king.
Although King William I hoped for peace with Austria Bismarck
hoped to engineer some dispute or other over the subsequent
adminstration of Schleswig and Holstein into a war against
Austria that would lead, after a Prussian victory, to Austria
being excluded from influence in much of Germany. In order to
prepare the way for such a war Bismarck entered into an
arrangement (April 1866) with the Kingdom of Sardinia, which
hoped to gain the rich province of Venetia from Austrian control,
in order to present Austria with the necessity of having to face
adversaries on two fronts.
After a Prussian victory in an ensuing "Seven Weeks War" in
the summer of 1866, Bismarck incorporated Schleswig, Holstein,
Hanover, Nassau and some other territories into the Prussian
state. He also brought all north and central German states into a
North German Confederation, under Constitutional arrangements
that left Prussia with a preponderance of influence. Faced with
these amazing achievements, which were greatly pleasing to
liberal and national sentiment both in Prussia and more widely in
northern and central Germany, the Prussian Parliamentary
opposition buckled and passed an Indemnity Act accepting
Bismarck's constitutionally questionable budgetary arrangements
of the preceding four years.
In 1870 Bismarck engineered another war, this time against the
French Empire and in such a way that several southern German
states (Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden and Southern Hesse)
which had previously been wary of both the French and Bismarck
were effectively obliged to actually participate as allies of the
Prussian led North German Confederation against the French
Bismarck's intended that there would be a strong national
enthusiasm extending into the southern German states in the
aftermath of this war that he could expoit to draw the reluctant
south German states into an extensive Germany under Prussian
On Jan 18th, 1871 a "second" German Empire, which included the
southern Germany states, superseded the North German
Confederation. The King of Prussia also became German Emperor.
Bismarck was awarded the title of Prince and was appointed as
Reichskanzler (Imperial Chancellor).
When a peace was eventually concluded with France its terms
included the cession of Alsace and Lorraine by France to Imperial
Germany and the payment of an indemnity of 5,000,000,000
As Reichskanzler Bismarck saw his main task as
consolidating and preserving the newly formed German Empire.
Externally, he sought to strengthen the empire through a network
of defensive alliances that were intended, in large part, to deny
France any opportunity of winning back Alsace and Lorraine
through participation in a future war against the German
Although Bismarck was not personally in favour of Germany
becoming significantly involved in colonising activities he
accpted German colonialism after 1884 when certain German owned
commercial enterprises established in parts of Africa that were
not yet claimed by other European states sought an extension of
German protection to include their operations.
In terms of domestic policy Bismarck sought to subdue any
party that offered to challenge his policies. Roman Catholics,
who tended to oppose a centralized state under the protestant
Hohenzollern dynasty, were subjected to a so-called
Kulturkampf or struggle of civilisations. An opportunity
for embarking on such a policy occuring after 1870 when many
Roman Catholics dissented from the decisions of a Vatican Council
of that year.
After 1878, when there were two attempts on the life of the
German Emperor that were believed to be associated with
revolutionary Socialism, many limitations were placed on
activities in support of Socialism through extensive restrictions
on the Social Democratic Party; attempts were made to discredit
those liberals who were not already "national liberals" through
an official questioning of their patriotism.
The Socialist interest was perhaps the most potent of the
domestic challenges to Bismarck's Imperial Germany and, although
the restriction placed on Socialism failed to subdue support for
Socialism, several seemingly radical social security related
legislative arrangements devised by Bismarck to provide for
systems of accident and health insurance and for old-age pensions
effectively drew the teeth of Socialism in Germany when they were
passed into law in the mid eighteen eighties. Given that these
social security measures were in place the perceived urgency of
socialistic reform abated and the working classes in Germany
viewed the state with more acceptance and, in most cases,
effectively turned away from thoughts of revolution.
Emperor William I died in March 1888 at the age of 91 and was
succeeded by his son Frederick who was unfortunately terminally
ill and only survived until mid June. The succession then passed
to Frederick's eldest son, a young man who was of a strong willed
and somewhat unpredictable temperament, who assumed the throne as
William II.
The new ruler of Germany was dissatisfied with the cautious
foreign policy being followed by Bismarck and also preferred that
socialism should be conciliated rather suppressed. Also and
importantly William II increasingly felt that an acceptance of
his authority was being confined by the immense authority that
Bismarck continued to exercise. Matters between Emperor and
Chancellor came to a head in the spring of 1890 when William II
invited Bismarck to submit his resignation. This was done on the
18th March 1890.
Bismarck was created Duke of Lauenberg as a parting gift by
the Emperor and retired to his estate, Friedrichsruh near
Hamburg. Despite this gift Bismarck and William II actually
parted on bad terms and Bismarck often made his criticisms of the
policy being followed by the ministers of William II openly known
over these last years of his life. A partial reconciliation
between Bismarck and William II was affected in 1893 at a time
when Bismarck was gravely ill.
Bismarck died at Friedrichsruh on July 28th, 1898 at the age
of 83. He had requested that his tomb should feature the